A Quick Guide To Understanding The Essentials Of The Dysphagia Diet

By Peter Bell

Medical conditions such as dementia, stroke and various neurological issues can ultimately cause a problem with swallowing. It's something that can increase not only the risk of choking, but also dehydration and malnutrition after some time. By means of the dysphagia diet, someone who has a difficult time swallowing can considerably keep all of the different dangers to a minimum.

The main goal of this special type of diet is to provide the individual with varying textures of foods and liquids that are a lot easier to swallow. All of these are trouble free to chew for the patient. What's more, they are easier to move in the mouth, thus significantly reducing the chances of foods and beverages going down the trachea instead of the esophagus, ending up in the lungs.

It's possible to categorize foods and drinks perfect for people suffering from dysphagia into many different classes. Such is done by taking into account consistency, which can go from solids but in bite sized pieces to super thin. However, still it's important to bear in mind that different people with issues pertaining to swallowing have varying needs to be met, according to the experts.

For the attainment of the required consistency of foods and drinks, specific ingredients may be used during the preparation or cooking phase. Thickeners are usually employed to achieve the right texture. These food ingredients are perfect for coming up with solids that have the stability of mashed potato, which makes them easy to chew and also swallow.

A thickening agent is especially valuable in making all sorts of liquids so much effortless and safer to swallow. Anything you can think about can be thickened, and they can range from green tea to yogurt. Keeping the body hydrated is something very important, and a person who has a problem in terms of swallowing is regarded as someone who is at high risk of dehydration.

Other than the additional of thickening agents, certain solid foods can be made ideal for anyone who has a hard time swallowing by means of pureeing. Just about any solid food may be pureed and served in front of the individual. They include anything from poultry, fish to meats. Vegetables may be pureed as well, although corn and peas should be dodged.

With so many options to choose from when it comes to making dysphagia friendly meals, no person who has the condition need to end up malnourished and dehydrated. Especially if the issue stems from a serious medical condition, being properly nourished and hydrated matters so much. Through such, it can be easier to promote or maintain optimum health.

To help ensure that the person is getting all the nutrients necessitated by the body, foods from various groups have to be served. Good amounts of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber can be obtained with the help of diversity. With a little creativity, the individual can be spared from ending up malnourished.

It's possible for important pieces of advice to be obtained from experts in matters that concern swallowing issues. A speech language pathologist, for instance, can lend a hand when it comes to certain life adjustments that have to be made, including swallowing. Details regarding nutrition can come from a certified dietitian.

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