Information On Breast Augmentation Michigan Clients Should Know

By Janet West

Cosmetic surgery is a field that has continued to grow in leaps and bounds in Southfield. Mammoplasty or breast augmentation is one of the operations that are conducted frequently. The demand for this type of operation appears to be growing tremendously over time. The main driving factor for this is the effect of the media. If they wish to have breast augmentation Michigan patients need to learn a number of things on the procedure.

Apart from cosmetic reasons, the surgery has other uses. One of them is in the enlargement of breasts that are genetically small. This is a developmental anomaly known as mammary hypoplasia that is diagnosed when breasts fail to enlarge in girls undergoing pubertal changes. The procedure is also performed in persons that wish to have a sex change so as to give them a more feminine appearance.

One of two types of prostheses can be used. The first type is made of a rubber shell then pre-filled with silicone gel before being inserted surgically into position. Its main advantage is that it has the more natural feel. The second type also has an outer shell made of rubber. Once the shell has been put into position, it is filled with saline. This makes it possible to conduct the operation through small surgical incisions.

This surgery requires that one undergoes under some form of preparation. This will include, for example, seeing a general practitioner with the aim of screening for any underlying conditions that are likely to increase the risks involved. Blood tests may be needed in some cases such as when bleeding disorders are suspected. Smoking should be stopped about two weeks prior to the operation.

General anesthesia is typically used since this surgery is classified as a major operation. With general anesthesia, you will remain unconscious until the operation is completed. The surgeon will make an incision below or above the breast depending on your presence and then create a small pocket into which the implant will be placed. The wound will then be closed using sutures and dressed.

Complications may be encountered due to the operation or the implant. Those resulting from the surgery may include infections, excessive bleeding, scar tissue formation and nerve injuries among others. Those that arise from the implant include rupture of the implant. Leakage, displacement and formation of skin creases over the breast tissue. Fortunately, these complications are uncommon.

Recovery occurs within a few days. You will be discharged home on pain relievers and antibiotics to be used for one or two weeks. The general recommendation is that strenuous exercises should be avoided especially in the immediate post-operative period to allow the wound to heal well. The handling of breasts should also be done with caution.

Every client undergoing breast augmentation needs to know that the results will differ from one person to another. Some of the factors that contribute to these differences include, the type of problem for which the operation is being done, the skill of the surgeon, the type of prosthesis used, whether or not complication are encountered and client age among others. The benefits of surgery will be lost gradually over time and the breast will begin to sag due to the gravitational pull.

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