Consider The Side-Effects Of Abortion Methods

By Jamal D White

As far as FDA is concerned, there are a lot of drugs that are approved by them that can be used for the purposes of abortion by a female that wants to get rid of its pregnancy. However, before an individual chooses to consume such drugs, it is very important for it to get in contact with a medical specialist and take proper consultation for consuming it.

Where the medical abortion methods involves injecting drugs into the system or using oral contraceptives, the continuing growth of the foetus needs the use of surgical abortion methods in order to terminated the pregnancy.While choosing the type of abortion method, a majority of women prefer to make use of the medical method as compared to the surgical method. Here the women is injected or orally given a mixture of two drugs.

It is the duty of the physician or medical specialist that you choose to recommend you the best method to get the abortion after doing proper examination of your body. For individuals that have decided on getting an abortion within 9 weeks of the gestation period or the menstrual cycle, the doctors shall recommend them having the abortion pills as thy might be very helpful and effective as well. There are different types of abortion pills that are available in the market that you can choose from, the most popular among them being the RU486 and the Mifeprex.

Although the drugs have been marked safe by the FDA, it is still advised to consult to a doctor before you choose to consume them; there are some side-effects that can be a concern for certain women. This is important, as a majority of the abortion pills consist of mifepristone the first dose and misoprostol the second dose and mifepristone is known to have certain side effects in the body, which shows symptoms like bleeding, contractions and many more.

This can either be done by machine or manually by the physician itself. The manual vacuum aspiration technique can be used within last 3-6 weeks of the gestation period of the first trimester. Use of a syringe is made to suck the tissue out of the uterus, which then leads to contraction of the uterus, further leading to abortion.

As you get in contact with a health professional, it shall assess your condition and they provide you with the right solution. The conditions that doctors or physicians look for is allergies, anaemia or high blood pressure. In cases where the female is going through ectopic pregnancies, these drugs can be risky, as it might lead to unwanted complications.

For women that do not want to get pregnant, the best thing for them is to get it done as soon as possible. Being early with the decision, shall simply mean that you will just have to consume some pills or get some injections to eliminate the foetus. However, when an individual crosses the first trimester period of gestation, then the process of abortion becomes more complex and more difficult. Moreover, this might also be harmful for the health as well.

The medicines are not known to provide any adverse side-effects other than bleeding and contractions, but these can vary from one person to another. Such as the drug mifepristone is known to show side-effects in some women where it doesn't have any effect on others, which includes bleeding, spotting or pelvic pain and so on, however these symptoms are known to fade away with time. However, if the condition persist then it is advised to visit a physician.

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